RCSJ职业 & 技术教育标题图像

职业生涯 & 技术教育

学分 & 学位课程

获得大学学分并获得副学士学位. ​​​​​

Please review the credit degree 程序s and certificates below through the CTE Division.

所有学生必须 应用 to the appropriate campus to begin the process of enrolling into a college credit-based degree or certificate 程序.

参观 招生 page to learn the the appropriate steps 为你r chosen campus if enrolling into a college credit-based degree or certificate 程序.

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你以前在这个领域有工作经验吗? 也许你有证书或非信用证书? 使用我们的先验学习评估向我们展示你所知道的!



  • 汽车技术


    The goal of this 程序 is to provide graduates with theory and practice through classroom study and internships, to qualify for immediate employment in the automotive industry or to transfer to a four-year automotive management 程序.


  • 牙科协助


    This academic certificate 程序 prepares students for an expanded functions licensure in one of the fastest growing health care fields with a curriculum introducing them to the profession of dentistry. They will learn all areas of clinical dental assisting and receive training in the professional skills required to function as an dental assistant in a dental practice. 通过讲座, 实验室会议, 还有临床轮转, they learn the roles and responsibilities of the dental assistant. 技能发展包括政策和指导方针, 口腔及牙齿解剖, 感染控制, 口腔放射学, 仪器识别及使用, 展开函数. Students must obtain a minimum grade of 'C' in all 牙科 courses.


  • 健康资讯科技


    This degree is designed for the student who is seeking a professional career based in the healthcare arena. The field of 健康资讯科技 deals with the gathering, 存储, 以及健康数据的抽象. This data can be transformed into meaningful and useful information that can be utilized by various professionals for a variety of purposes. Students educated in the field of 健康资讯科技 can perform various job duties and are employed in a variety of settings. 急症护理医院, 长期护理设施, 康复设施, 保险经办机构, 制药公司只是雇主的一个样本. 这个领域有一个全国性的专业组织, 美国健康信息管理协会(AHIMA).


  • 医疗编码(证书)*


    This certificate 程序 will prepare the student to work in many areas requiring coding expertise. The coding courses follow the prerequisites Medical Terminology and Human Biology, which expose the student to terms and anatomy necessary for learning medical coding. This 程序 can be completed as a full-time or part-time student. The 程序 at Camden County College is approved by 美国健康信息管理协会(AHIMA). Medical coders provide an essential part of managing health information that allows hospitals and physician offices to receive payment for services. Each diagnosis or treatment is assigned a code for which payment may be received. 代码分配基于编码分类指南, 联邦法规,有时是州法规. In the United States healthcare can be complex and has many components including the clinical side, 管理元素, 政府的监督. Adequately trained personnel are essential for proper reporting of information to ensure correct reimbursement. Area medical facilities currently seek trained staff with the coding skills necessary to efficaciously meet the financial needs of these institutions. Theory and lab experience will provide the learner with job-readiness skills.


  • 制程技术


    he 制程技术 程序 is designed for students interested in a career working in 工业 processing plants. Graduates of this 程序 will be prepared for employment in the pharmaceutical, 化学和石油加工业. The 程序 curriculum will provide students exposure to a scientific background emphasizing hands-on work, critical thinking skills and opportunities for internships throughout the region.​


  • 风险管理与保险.A.S.


    保险专业人士以 保护他们的社区,帮助他们 人们在需要的时候. 如果你想 不同的是,保险职业可能是正确的 为你. 这个项目的学生将会 我准备参加该协会的认证 当他们通过考试时 程序. 在第一年结束时, 全日制学生通过 学院的考试将赢得他们的认可 索赔助理(AIC)认证. 在 完成第二年,除了 完成他们的坎伯兰A.A.S.,学生 谁通过了协会的考试 获得了风险管理副学士学位 管理(ARM)认证. 授予 坎伯兰学位不会依赖 以获得该协会的认证.


  • 技术研究

    http://raw.rzfcw.net/cte/technical-studieshttp: / / raw.rzfcw.net/cte/technical-studies

    The 技术研究 Degree Program is designed for individuals who wish to validate their prior apprenticeship, 企业, 工业, or military training and receive college credits for these experiences so that they may complete their degrees. After a formal assessment of this prior learning, technical credits will be awarded.


  • 风力发电与涡轮技术(证书)


    本课程将为学生提供全面的 对流体的知识和理解 hydraulic systems; electrical machinery; mechanical operations; computer and information technology skills; wind turbine 操作、维护、安装和 assembly; and safety, through a combination 课堂和/或在线讲座和 动手实验学习模块


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